Diet salad
Sep 11, 2009
With leafy vegetables and foods rich in protein (fish, meat and eggs), the salad becomes a main course that gives the organism substances important for health with a moderate intake of calories. If it is prepared only with vegetables, may accompany other courses. In this case the ideal is to consume a meal beginning to facilitate a sense of sazietà.L 'salad, in fact, is full of non-digestible fibers that arrive directly in the intestine by facilitating the functions that are particularly useful for slimmers slow down the absorption of sugars, encouraging a gradual use by the body. It 'also a valuable source of vitamins, primarily those antioxidants, namely A, C and E which protect cells from aging. Like all vegetables are also rich in minerals, especially potassium, which counteracts the water retention, copper, zinc and selenium-acting anti-aging and useful for combating infections and intoxications. Calories: about 1,300 As is lost: 4 pounds Duration: 4 weeks Who is right: who is suffering from constipation, water retention and skin dull and dry
The varieties of salad are many commercially available, all with different characteristics and specific nutrients. The most common is surely the lettuce. With its light taste, sweet and watery goes well with aromatic vegetables (onion) or sweet (tomato and cucumber). Lettuces, from Roman times to the cap on the lettuce, provide a fair amount of dietary fiber (1.6 g per pound ), but especially vitamins, especially A and C and some minerals such as potassio.Ancora most interesting from the standpoint of food are chicory and radicchio: rich in fiber (2.6 g per pound), vitamins and minerals including football and ferro.Le deep green leaves also suggest the abundant presence of chlorophyll, the lifeblood of plants that have good effects on the organism is antianaemic, invigorating and even purificante.Preziosa the rocket, a leaf spicy taste and spicy. Rich, especially when it grows spontaneously, vitamin A and C, as well as iron, calcium and magnesium.
The salad I have affixed calorie diet of about 1,300 calories daily and allows you to lose four kilos in a month. Vegetables is the most abundant of the meal (from 55 to 60%). It 'been privileged consumption of vegetables and raw vegetables, either raw in salads or as crudités, to keep intact the content of vitamins and minerals. Menus can be changed and adapted to your taste by changing the type of salad, but remembering that it is important to alternate as much as possible the typical varieties of each season. Alternatively the different types of meat and fish, choosing lean meats and still not exceed the recommended dose of 150 g (50 g prosciutto and bresaola), twice a week. You can use 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to be distributed during the day to dress or cook the food. Prefer bread, pasta or rice, to modulate the absorption of carbohydrates, improve digestion and promote intestinal function. If present, prefer fresh fruit stagione.Utilizzare only low calorie sweetener.
Breakfast: A generous cup of skimmed milk (250 ml) with 3 tablespoons of muesli Snack: a glass of orange juice Lunch: salad with vegetables, 40 g of whole wheat bread, 200 grams of fruit Dinner: appetizer of raw vegetables with vinaigrette (endives, carrots, celery), 150 g of sea bream (sea bass or sea bass) baked in foil, seasoned with mint sauce made with a tablespoon of olive oil, lemon juice and chopped mint, fresh or dried, boiled salad of endive, 200 g of fruit.
Breakfast: A generous cup of skimmed milk (250 g), 3 slices wholemeal bread Snack: 200 grams of fruit Lunch: salad with peppers, 200 grams of fruit Dinner: hors d'oeuvre of mixed raw vegetables (endives, carrots, celery); 50 g of parboiled rice boiled and seasoned with 2 cherry tomatoes, 75 g of mixed vegetables cooked in Russian salad (carrots, peas, beets into cubes), a spoonful of canned corn, a few capers, olive oil extrovergine, 200 g fruit.
Breakfast: a pot of low-fat yogurt (125 g) with 3 tablespoons of muesli Snack: a glass of orange juice Lunch: 70 g of wheat pasta, topped with fresh tomatoes past or chopped into large pieces and rocket, 200 g of fruit Dinner: mixed salad of red radicchio, tomatoes and cucumbers, lettuce rolls, 50 g of steamed spinach; 200 9 fruit.
THURSDAY Breakfast: A generous cup of skimmed milk (250 g), 4 wholemeal biscuits snack: 200 g of fruit Lunch: salad Nontaise, 40 g of whole wheat bread, 200 grams of fruit Dinner: of chicory with vinaigrette; 50 g bread, 150 g of grilled beef steak, grilled vegetables (eggplant, zucchini and radicchio di Treviso).
Breakfast: a low-fat yogurt (125 g) with 3 tablespoons of muesli Snack: a glass of orange juice Lunch: rice with red radicchio from Treviso `, 200 g of fruit Dinner: salad of escarole, endive and tomatoes, 150 g grilled swordfish, grilled eggplant.
Breakfast: A generous cup of semi-skimmed milk (250 g), 3 slices wholemeal bread Snack: 200 g of fruit. Lunch: salad tasty, 200g of fruit Dinner: Raw vegetables; ninestrone vegetables with 30g of pulses and 30g of pasta or rice, 200 grams of fruit.
Breakfast: vosetto of a low-fat yogurt (125 g), 3 wholemeal biscuits Snack: a glass of orange juice Lunch: 30 g wheat pasta topped with tomato sauce and 50 g of peas, 50 grams of salted and dried beef or ham with rocket , 200 g of seasonal fruit salad Dinner: 2 boiled eggs lettuce with boiled vegetables (spinach, kale), 200 9 fruit.
How is it prepared
The salad is one of the simplest cooking preparations, we must, however, follow some simple rules. First, the vegetables should be fresh, with no dark parts. Be kept in the refrigerator section not cold, is usually the farthest from the door of the freezer. Be washed carefully, changing the water several times. It takes 2-3 rinses. But they left long in water, not to disperse vitamins. Do not wash them with baking soda because that could encourage the loss of vitamins, which would remain in the water for soaking. And the leaves are dried gently with a cloth or paper towel, rather than to leave any trace of water. You can also use the appropriate centrifuge for salads. TagIiare the vegetables until the last moment, just before bringing to the table, to avoid the loss of vitamin C, which is damaged by contact with air. Dress at the last minute, if possible, directly into the pot. This will better control how much oil you add.
Less time passes from the collection at the time the vegetables are consumed, the greater the likelihood of food products rich in vitamins. Here is a guide for choosing the right vegetables in every season. Invenno Beets, chard, artichokes, cardoon, carrots, Catalonia, cabbage, endive, watercress, fennel, endive, lettuce, radish, turnip, spinach, cabbage, pumpkin. Spring Asparagus, beets, artichokes, thistles, broccoli, endive, lettuce, beans, green beans, broad beans, peppers, peas, tomatoes, radishes, sugar snap. Summer Catalonia, cucumbers, green beans, squash blossoms, eggplant, peppers, peas, tomatoes, spinach, zucchini. Fall Beets, Artichokes, Catalonia, Brussels sprouts, endive, fennel, endives, potato wedges, Songino, pumpkin.
An important detail to give flavor and "personality" salad, as well as to mix the ingredients together, is certainly the seasoning. The sore point is that here is concentrated the greatest amount of fat and calories. One tablespoon of olive oil (10 ml) contains about 90 calories. The watchword, therefore, is not abuse it. Without compromising. olive oil, in fact, allows you to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) contained in some vegetables and is rich in fatty acids useful for health. Another tip is to use sea salt to replace the refined. Contains less sodium, responsible for the retention of liquids in the body. Be used in limited quantities, however: a little bit is enough to taste a plate of salad. You can use your choice, according to personal taste, vinegar (wine vinegar or apple) or lemon juice, taste more delicate. You can flavor the salad with herbs. Thyme and marjoram, mint, basil and oregano make vegetables more tasty, digestible and reduces the need for salt. Even a few grains of mustard bind the sauce and give a delicate aftertaste. II dressing should be emulsified in a separate bowl using a fork. With just a few minutes to get a salad sauce slightly swollen to merge directly onto individual plates.
Ingredients per person: 150 grams of salad and lettuce, 70 g of fresh red beans and 35 g of dried chickpeas, a ripe tomato, a heart of celery, an onion, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar , a pinch of salt. Preparation: Put the beans in warm water for an entire night. Cook the beans and chickpeas separately in plenty of water. Wash, dry and cut the vegetables coarsely. Merge them with pulses. Sprinkle with oil, vinegar and salt just before serving.
RICE WITH Radicchio
Ingredients per person: 50 g of parboiled rice, 250 grams of red radicchio from Treviso, a tablespoon of finely chopped onion, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, vegetable broth. Preparation: Wash, dry and cut into thin slices and radicchio. Do brown the onion in a pan with oil. Add the rice and toast it three minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon. Pour a couple of ladles of broth and allow it to absorb. Stir and add the broth from time to time. Combine the radicchio, almost to the end of cooking. Serve.
Ingredients per person: 150 grams of radicchio, a tomato, a fleshy pepper, 4 carrots, 4 black olives, 40 g of tuna in oil, an egg, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, or a few drops of lemon, a pinch salt and a sprinkling of pepper. Preparation. BBQ green pepper and cut into strips. Wash and dry the leaves of radicchio, collect them in bunches and slice thin. Combine the tomatoes into wedges, cut into julienne carrots and bell pepper. Add the drained tuna, boiled egg into slices and olives. Pour over the dressing (olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper) previously emulsified with a fork.
Ingredients per person: 150 grams of iceberg lettuce, watercress and Roman, a tomato, 150 g chicken breast, one teaspoon of chopped herbs (rosemary, thyme and marjoram), 100 g of avocado, lemon or lime , a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, a teaspoon of chopped onion, a pinch of salt. Preparation: Clean and cut vegetables. Grilled chicken breast sprinkled with the chopped herbs and cut into strips to be joined salad. Prepare the sauce guacamote Whisk the pulp of avocado, tomato, lemon juice (preferably lime), onion and oil. Sprinkle the salad with the sauce.
Ingredients per person: 100 grams of chopped lean meat, a little lettuce, 200 g of potatoes, an egg, half a tablespoon of sliced scallions, marjoram, and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt and nutmeg. Preparation: Boil the potatoes. Making brown the shallots in a pan with oil, add the meat and heart of lettuce, thin sliced, cook for ten minutes. Pass the potatoes and mix in a bowl with meat, egg, marjoram, salt and nut moscata.Lavorare the mixture into balls and lay them at the center of each lettuce leaf and asciugata.Chiudere previously washed the leaves with wire and bake the rolls steamed for twenty minutes.
SALAD Nantais
Ingredients per person: 150 g of watercress, a cucumber, a tomato, 70 g of green beans, a tablespoon of tartar sauce. Preparation: burn the beans in boiling water for about five minutes. Wash and cut vegetables. Season with a tablespoon of tartar sauce.
Provides 1600 calories a day helps maintain and adjust the weight reached with the previous program. Fresh vegetables retain an important role in preserving (at least two servings a day). You can eat 100 grams of vegetables (the weight is related to the raw product and dry) three times a week. Alternatively, you can choose from 30 g of parboiled rice or wholemeal pasta seasoned with 50 g of beans or 250 g of vegetables of your choice. Enter at least once a week a vegetable soup (200 g) with 30 gd gd riso.150 pasta or lean meat or fish or, alternatively, 80 g of cheese (150 g, mozzarella or ricotta), each at least twice a week . The proportion of fruit d season is 250 g and allowed to be inserted snack (in the diet was not provided), or have lunch or dinner. Four tablespoons of oil, finally, are distributed between the two main meals for seasoning and cooking.